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Inspirational & Motivational Reads

Living with illness can be challenging, but stories of resilience, hope, and strength can uplift and inspire. This section features books that offer encouragement, share stories of overcoming adversity, and provide motivation for navigating life with illness.

Nicht alle Tage – Markus Vinzent

Nicht alle Tage” is a remarkable work about the hidden facets of one’s relationship with oneself and with the people who matter.”
— Prof. Jalid Sehouli, Director of the Clinic for Gynecology and Oncological Surgery at Charité, Berlin

🌿 Theme: illness, resilience, human relationships, philosophical reflection

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🔑 A personal Reflection

📖 Summary

Markus Vinzent’s novel follows the journey of individuals whose lives are profoundly affected by a serious diagnosis, such as ovarian cancer. Through moments of hope and hardship, their experiences open a dialogue with the wisdom of Meister Eckhart, offering a deeper understanding of love, loss, and inner strength. The novel not only portrays the medical and emotional challenges faced by patients and their loved ones but also delves into the existential impact of illness, drawing inspiration from Eckhart’s teachings on letting go, time, and timelessness. It invites readers into a philosophical exploration of life’s uncertainties, blending personal struggle with deeper reflection.

💡 Why Read It? 

| Authentic & Moving A heartfelt story of resilience and care in the face of illness
| Philosophical & Thought-Provoking Meister Eckhart’s wisdom brings new depth to life’s big questions
| Engaging & Contemporary A fresh take on medieval mysticism, made relevant today
| Universal & Reflective A novel that lingers, whether you’ve faced illness or seek deeper meaning

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